Since 1988, S.A.L. has raised more than $16 million for The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, S.A.L. members have volunteered over 320,000 hours at veterans hospitals, and have raised over $1,000,000 for VA hospitals and VA homes.
Squadron 323 is proud to be an active member of this Post family and participates in all major Post 323 events.
The Sons of the Legion Squadron 323 hosts monthly pool tournaments, bi-monthly horseshoe tournaments, a weekly Queen of Hearts Charity Raffle, a weekly Show Me The Money Fundraiser and serves the best wings in Lehigh Acres every Wednesday night.
If you are a male descendant of any veteran serving in the United States during wartime, you are eligible for membership in the Sons of the American Legion and will be welcomed into our Squadron. See Membership tab on this website
For more information about the Sons of the American Legion, please visit our Sons of the American Legion Officers Page and contact a Squadron Officer.
Many Squadron 323 members are also members of our American Legion Riders Chapter.
The Sons of the American Legion Squadron 323 meet on the 3rd last Monday of each month at 7:00 PM